
1. drizzle(v): if it is drizzling, light rain and mist come out of the sky:

例)Since it drizzled all day, the family decided to put off their trip to the park.

2. excempt(adj): not affected by something, or not having to do it or pay it

例)Because I'm a student and don't make any money, I'm exempt from paying taxes this year.

3. exorbitant(adj):an exorbitant price, amount of money etc is much higher than it should be [= astronomical]

例)The prices at this restaurant are very exorbitant for the small portions.

4. instructive(adj): providing a lot of useful information

例)It might be instructive for you to listen more closely to what the professor is saying.

5. cogent(adj):formal; if a statement is cogent, it seems reasonable and correct
例)The lawyer defended her client with a very cogent argument.

6. deviant(adj): different, in a bad way, from what is considered normal
例)Alex was expelled from his hockey team because of his drug use and his deviant behavior.

例文の音声は → こちら


1. flatter:to praise someone in order to please them or get something from them, even though you do not mean it

e.g.)He flattered the principal until she agreed to change his grade to an A.

2. entice:to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want

e.g.)To entice her kids to study, the mother offered them coupons for ice cream.

3. suffocate:to die or make someone die by preventing them from breathing

e.g.)The child suffocated after being left in the car in the hot sun. sentence-actions

4. constrain:to stop someone from doing what they want to do

e.g.) The child was so violent that it took four adults to constrain her.

5. fashion:to shape or make something, using your hands or only a few tools

e.g.) The hunter fashioned a formidable weapon out of bones and sticks he found in the woods.

6. defer:to delay something until a later date [= put back]

e.g.) Yet again, she deferred sleep in order to work on her latest project.

7. flop:3 informal if something such as a product, play, or idea flops, it is not successful because people do not like it

e.g.) The sequel to the popular movie flopped, despite its massive advertising campaign.

8. furnish:2 formal to supply or provide something

e.g.) Each scholarship winner will be furnished with enough money to pay for both books and tuition.

9. incite:to deliberately encourage people to fight, argue etc

e.g.) Her speech calling for a university strike incited a riot among all the teaching assistants.

10. maneuver:to move or turn skilfully or to move or turn something skilfully, especially something large and heavy

e.g.) Maneuvering heavy machinery like a tractor requires special training.

11. matriculate: to officially begin studying at a university or, in the US, at a school or college

e.g.) Each year, almost 40% of college students matriculate from junior college.

12. pontificate:to give your opinion about something in a way that shows you think you are always right

e.g.) He liked to hear himself speak and would pontificate for hours even though no one was listening.

13. replicate:technical if a virus or a molecule replicates, or if it replicates itself, it divides and produces exact copies of itself

e.g.) With genetic engineering, companies can now replicate your cat.



数年前、彼がまだ英語嫌いだったころ、米軍基地の人が多く通う教会のVacation Bible Schoolに行ったときは、怖がって泣いてしまい、二度と行きたくないと言っていました。


