ジュリアロバーツ鏡の女王Mirror Mirror starring Julia Roberts | 英会話講師Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガル日記


I love English, movies, plays, music, paintings, books, and food!
I hope I can get to know all kinds of people through these...

☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-mirror mirror


We went to see the movie "Mirror Mirror".

映画 『白雪姫と鏡の女王』 を観にいきましたはーと

Snow White used to be the main focus of the story before, but in this movie the Queen is the main character. That's what I really liked about it.

今までは、白雪姫に焦点を当てたものが王道だったけど、これは悪いお妃様が主役! そこがとーっても気に入りましたきゃー カエル

Julia Roberts plays the role of the villain, the Queen! Her selfishness was so extreme it actually made her seem charming.

そして、ジュリア・ロバーツが悪役の女王様役エクスクラメ-ション あまりのわがままさが返って微笑ましいというか笑ほんと、チャーミングですアップ

You know the actress playing Snow White? Phil Collins' daughter. I was looking at her thick eyebrows and thinking I've seen them somewhere... And then realized she looks just like the girl playing Anne in the black & white version of The Diary of Anne Frank. She also has that very strong and independent presence just like Elizabeth Tayler in her younger years.

白雪姫役の女優さん、あ、フィル・コリンズの娘さんだそうですが、彼女の太く濃い眉毛を見ていて、あれあれ?どこかで見たことある~?と思っていたら…。 思い出しました! 白黒映画版の『アンネの日記』のアンネ役の女優さんにそっくり~手帳 あと、若かりし頃のエリザベス・テイラーの凛々しさも彷彿とさせる雰囲気かもにこ

☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-millie perkins
Millie Perkins from "The Diary of Anne Frank"


This movie isn't the kind of movie that will get an Academy Award, but it was very light and easy to watch and I really enjoyed myself watching it. It's a good movie to watch when you don't want to think too much and just simply enjoy it.
