2017年オータムクラシック:通し券完売、そして水曜日の練習について | 覚え書きあれこれ

















At Skate Canada events, spectators are permitted to use small point and shoot cameras for personal use only. The following guidelines will be enforced:


– No flash photography
– No camera bags in venue
– No use of professional cameras and/or detachable lenses
– Camera cannot interfere with other fans’ enjoyment
– Any resale of photography or posting photos on professional websites is strictly prohibited
– Absolutely no video recording is allowed. Only accredited coaches and team managers may be permitted to videotape their own skater/team from rinkside during that skater’s/team’s practice or performance. If athletes wish to obtain a video of their programs, they may purchase a copy from the licensed video distributor on site if applicable.


Spectators not abiding by these restrictions risk having their camera confiscated by venue security staff. Additionally, Skate Canada staff reserves the right to restrict use of other types of cameras should they feel the quality and/or type of camera fail to protect the athletes’ and/or event’s interests.