In response to Japanese electricity companies' grid access suspension to new renewable energy projects due to shortage of their grid capacity, a local government and civil society are demanding grid expansion and smarter demand/supply management.

On October 1st 2014, the Fukushima Prefectural Assembly made a unanimous resolution and submitted it to the Japanese central government and the Japanese Parliament, demanding that grid systems should be strengthened and expanded so that electricity companies would accept electricity generated by renewable energies.


Having been hit by the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Fukushima Prefecture has been using renewable energies as a central pillar in their efforts for restoration, including installation of solar panels to local primary schools, establishing R & D centers for renewable energies, and experimental deployment of floating wind turbines. Electricity company's restriction on connections and purchases of electricity generated by renewable energies damages the economy and restoration of Fukushima Prefecture.



Renewable energies are distributed energies and, as such, contribute to local economies and local employments. Other Japanese prefectural assemblies are expected to follow the suit of Fukushima Prefectural Assembly and submit demands on expansion of grid systems to the Japanese government.

Also, Japanese civil society responds and demands grid expansion too. For example, a Japanese NPO called PV-Net has more than 2,600 members nationwide, most of whom are individual rooftop PV system owners. They have been promoting renewable energies from a viewpoint of citizens and aiming at establishment of a healthy regionally-recycled distributed-energy society.


Based upon such principles, they presented to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the President of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan "Appeal and policy recommendations on the issue of grid access suspension to new renewable energy projects" on October 4th.


Major points of PV-Net's "Appeal and policy recommendations on the issue of grid access suspension to new renewable energy projects" are as follows:


1. The issue of grid access suspension to new renewable energy projects should be examined and coped with by the government renewable energy policy rather than each electric company's corporate policy.

2. Regulations and arrangements should be immediately formulated by the government and electric companies in order to compensate, avert, and minimize damages which were and shall be inflicted upon those engaged in renewable energy projects due to electric companies' unilateral, sudden and uniform suspension.

3. Regulations and arrangements should be immediately formulated by the government and electric companies in order to provide a priority to local renewable energy operators and minimize their damages due to electric companies' unilateral, sudden and uniform suspension.

4. The grid access suspension period should be as short as possible. Electric companies should consult and work with the government, renewable energy operators, and civil society to formulate an arrangement that will avoid recurrence of grid access suspension in future.



Policy recommendations:

1. The Japanese Renewable Energy Act should be amended so that it will include provisions that obligate electricity companies to immediately and as a priority purchase, transmit and distribute the entire available quantity of electricity from renewable energy sources.

2. Demand and response should be implemented. Electricity companies should turn down conventional fired-power stations during daytime when electricity generated by renewable energies increases. Electricity consumers should shift their demand off the peak-time. Energy storage using pumped-hydro and storage batteries should be implemented.

3. Grid systems should immediately be optimised, strengthened and expanded in order to guarantee the purchase, transmission and distribution of the electricity generated from renewable energy sources.

4. Lessons for deregulation of Japan's electricity sector should be learned from the issue of grid access suspension. The neutrality and political-independence of the Organization for Nationwide Coordination of Transmission Operators should be ensured. Discussions of the managerial board of the Organization for Nationwide Coordination of Transmission Operators should be transparent and disclosed publicly.

A full text of PV-Net's "Appeal and policy recommendations on the issue of grid access suspension to new renewable energy projects" is available here (the Japanese language).

Other Japanese civil society organizations are expected to follow the suit of PV-Net and submit demands on expansion of grid systems to the Japanese government.

As I reported to you in my previous blog article of October 8th 2014, the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) provides that "grid system operators shall immediately and as a priority purchase, transmit and distribute the entire available quantity of electricity from renewable energy sources". (EEG Section 5、Section 8)

As a result of that, German electricity companies turn down conventional fired-power stations during daytime when electricity generated by renewable energies increases. At past-noon of May 11th, 2014, as many as 74% of total electricity was produced by renewable energies in Germany.


The below figure indicates German hourly production of electricity by conventional fired-power, wind power, and solar (PV) power during May 9th-11th, 2014 (Gray represents conventional fired-power, blue represents wind power, orange represents solar power). Please click and expand the figure to note that conventional fired-power generation was reduced in accordance with the increase of renewable energy electricity during daytime.


Also, the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) provides that "Upon the request of those interested in feeding in electricity, grid system operators shall immediately optimise, strengthen and expand their grid systems in accordance with the best available technology in order to guarantee the purchase, transmission and distribution of the electricity generated from renewable energy sources". (EEG Section 9) And, "The grid system operator shall bear the costs of optimising, strengthening and expanding the grid system." (EEG Section 14)

As a result of that, in Germany, a transition from fired power and nuclear power electricity generation to renewable energy electricity generation has been advancing rapidly. During six months of the first half of 2014, the share of total electricity generated by renewable energies reached 30.4% in Germany. The percentage is expected to reach 50% by 2030.

And, what is remarkable is that, despite the spread of renewable energies, German grid systems remain most reliable in Europe.


In contrast, Japanese Renewable Energy Act does not include provisions that obligate electricity companies to "immediately and as a priority purchase, transmit and distribute the entire available quantity of electricity from renewable energy sources" nor "immediately optimise, strengthen and expand their grid systems in order to guarantee the purchase, transmission and distribution of the electricity generated from renewable energy sources".

It is obvious that the current Japanese Renewable Energy Act has shortcomings. The Act needs to be amended so that the above mentioned obligations are to be included as expeditionary as possible.

In democracies, it is the people who determine the nation's energy policy directions, not electricity companies.

I would appreciate it if you would convey your progressive voices to offices of members of the Japanese Parliament elected from your election district.

Thank you.

(1) 「再生エネ受け入れを九電が保留、東北電も検討」日本経済新聞 2014年9月25日

(2) 「四国電も再生エネの新規受け入れ中断検討」日本経済新聞 2014年9月26日

(3) The Resolution by the Fukushima Prefectural Assembly of October 1st 2014

(4) "Appeal and policy recommendations on the issue of grid access suspension to new renewable energy projects" major points, full text, PV-Net, October 4th 2014

(5) Act on granting priority to renewable energy sources (German Renewable Energy Sources Act – EEG)

(6) "Germany Generates Record-Setting 74 Percent of Energy From Renewables" by Brandon Baker, May 14th, 2014, EcoWatch

(7) "German grid more stable in 2013" by Craig Morris, August 25th, 2014, The German Energiewende

Any views or opinions presented above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of any organizations or political parties.









また、市民団体のみなさんからも、電力系統拡充を求める要望が示されています。たとえば、NPO法人・太陽光発電所ネットワークは、屋根上に太陽電池パネルを設置した個人を中心に、全国で2600名以上の会員を擁し、再生可能エネルギーの普及と循環・分散型エネルギー社会の実現を目指し、活動してきましたが、その活動趣旨に則り、10月4日、経済産業省大臣と電気事業連合会会長に対し、「再生可能エネルギー系統接続保留問題へのアピール(訴え)と提言 」を提出しました。



太陽光発電所ネットワークの「再生可能エネルギー系統接続保留問題へのアピール(訴え)と提言 」の要点は、次の通りです。


1. 「系統接続受付回答保留」は電力会社以前に、国の政策として先に検討し、対応すべき。
2. 電力会社の一方的で一律的なやり方で大きな被害を受けた、あるいは受けるであろう事業者や関係者の損害を回避する処置を、国も電力会社もとるべき。
3. 地元事業者や関係者の損害を最小限にするよう方策を作り、実施する努力をすべき。
4. 保留期間を極力短期にし、今後、今回の事態に陥らないための体制を早急に整えること。


1. 再生可能エネルギー優先接続条項の導入をすること。
2. 需給バランスの手法を最大限活用すること。
3. 系統インフラ拡充の早急な実施をすること。
4. 広域的運営推進機関の中立性と独立性を明確にし、議論を周知できるように公開すること。

「再生可能エネルギー系統接続保留問題へのアピール(訴え)と提言 」の全文は、こちらでご覧いただけます。




前回10月8日付の弊ブログ記事でお伝えいたしましたように、ドイツ再生可能エネルギー法(EEG)は、電力系統運用者に、再生可能エネルギーによる電力の、電力系統への「優先的な」接続および買入れを義務付けています。(EEG Section 5、Section 8)





さらに、ドイツ再生可能エネルギー法では、電力系統の容量不足を見越し、再生可能エネルギーによる電力の受け入れに支障が生じないよう、電力系統運用者に電力系統の容量拡大を義務付けています。(EEG Section 9) そして、容量拡大のコストは、電力系統運用者が負担するとされています。(EEG Section 14)








(1) 「再生エネ受け入れを九電が保留、東北電も検討」日本経済新聞 2014年9月25日

(2) 「四国電も再生エネの新規受け入れ中断検討」日本経済新聞 2014年9月26日



(5) Act on granting priority to renewable energy sources (German Renewable Energy Sources Act – EEG)

(6) "Germany Generates Record-Setting 74 Percent of Energy From Renewables" by Brandon Baker, May 14th, 2014, EcoWatch

(7) "German grid more stable in 2013" by Craig Morris, August 25th, 2014, The German Energiewende

註記: 上記の見解は、私個人のものであり、いかなる団体あるいは政党の見解をも反映するものではありません。