Hello All!チョキ

I still haven't done hanami this season, and it's been raining all day today. I hope the sakura will last for a couple more days!!

Last week I talked about watching Frozen. There was one scene in the movie that reminded me of a book I used to read when I was in middle school. It was called "Ella Enchanted" and was a story loosely based off of Cinderella.

As a baby, Ella was given a special gift by a fairy. The gift was obidience, or doing what her parents told her to do. Unfortunately, the girft became more of a curse, and Ella must follow any order given to her, even it meant she had to cut off her own head!

The story is about Ella trying to break the curse, and about her relationships with her step-family and the prince of the Kingdom.

When I was young, I loved the book. I read it so much that I broke the spine on my copy.

After watching that scene in Frozen, I thought about Ella Enchanted and decided I would try reading it again. I was able to read it in a day (it is not a very long book, and the words are not very difficult) and I fell in love with the book all over again.

The characters are very likeable, and it has a strong, positive message. They also made a movie based on the book, but it is very different than the book, so I can not recommend it.

If you are interested in practicing reading English, you should definitely check out Ella Enchanted! You won't regret it, I'm sure!

Until next time!
