と言うか ♪マークと言うよりΣ( ̄ロ ̄lll) と言うイメージみたいですね

と言うかold自体にまたかぁ と言う感じの意味があるみたいです

same old

【adjective[only before noun]】
old things are things that are familiar to you because you have seen them or experienced them many times before:
:It's good to get back into the old routine.(L)
:I enjoyed seeing all the old familiar faces.(L)
:He comes out with the same old excuses every time!(L)
:it's the same old story(L)
:old habits(O)
:He always gives the same old excuses.(O)
:This carpet's getting pretty old now.(O)
:You get tired of eating the same old thing for breakfast.(C)
:same old excuse (英)
:same old nine-to-five days (英)
:"The Malaysian authorities have resorted to the same old dirty tricks in an attempt to remove the opposition leader from politics," said Sam Zarifi, Asia-Pacific director at Amnesty International. (英)

●BBC:12 February 2013
EU budget deal for farmers raises wildlife concerns
The source said the EU's political leaders had weakened the language on greening the CAP in a way that would enable farmers to collect subsidies for owning land in the same old way.

●BBC:16 January 2013
Obama gun control plan raises hopes in Chicago
He tells me he feels like he is in a time machine going back to repeat the same old arguments.