railingも分かってるようで分かってない単語*o_ _)oバタッ


【noun [countable]】usually plural
a metal fence that is made of a series of upright bars
:a small park surrounded by railings(L)
:iron railings(O)
:I chained my bike to the park railings.(O)
:She leaned out over the railing.(O)
:Tourists pressed their faces against the palace railings.(C)

●Japan Times:Sunday, Dec. 9, 2012
There are 'snow monsters' who can help save Tohoku
They enlisted Masahiro Ono, a member of an architectural firm that would later design the Hillside Terrace complex in Tokyo's Daikanyama, to create a modern structure with the traditional flair of wooden ceilings and railings.

●BBC:19 December 2012
What is a quintessentially British park?
But Tibbatts believes people would be surprised by how many British parks contain classic features, such as ornate railings, fine entrance points and avenues of trees, even in much smaller urban spaces.


Gersthwin TheatreでミュージカルWickedを予約しましたヽ(´ー`)ノ

目指せTOEIC 900!


ちなみに row ○○、seats ×× って表現するんですね。
