I went out for lunch with my ex-coworker. We went to "Sen to Cha" which was my favorite cafe at the moment. I ate fried prawns last time, so I chose hamburg steak this time. It was quite big and I became full. After lunch, we had coffee. This coffee was also really nice. It tasted good ! Moreover, the cup looked nice too.

I hadn't met her since she left the company. So I was glad to see her again and talked a lot (^-^)/

I went to PICO tonight. I usually go there every Tuesday.

As I hadn't played my djembe recently,the djembe head became loose.

So Davi-chan helped me to stretch it. After that, my djembe's sound completely changed. It got much better than before. I was so happy to play my djembe.

July 7th will be PICO's 8th anniversary. So we will have the party on 5th July! I'm so excited !!!

火曜の夜はPICOデー♫ 最近は自分のジェンベ叩いていなかったので、皮が緩んでいた。ダビちゃんに皮を締めてもらって、叩くと…なんと全然違う音に!良い音になって、叩くのが楽しかった♪ありがとう~☆


I've started to learn Jazz piano since this February. And my first stage will be on 21 July. It's really hard for me to have it by only 5 months practice. But it's already been determined, so just have to do it.

The band instrumentation is the alto saxophone, guitar, bass, drums and piano. It's a jazz combo(even though our skill hasn't been enough yet). haha
We are going to play 11 songs at the cafe. That's more than enough for me actually.

At first I was so upset and wanted to decline as I even couldn't understand the chord names. But my band mates gave me kind words. I was quite happy even if it was only flattery. Then I took the piano lesson several times at my teacher's house. I do love my teacher very much♡ I recorded the lesson every time and sometimes copied it. What the most difficult thing was playing solo part. Jazz players normally play solos with their feeling. However, I still can't do that! So I made and copied some solos I have. Now, I practice the piano almost every day rather than the drums. I think I've been got much better so far compare to February.

Can I do it? I can do it! I must do it! So need to practice more and more...


構成はSax, Guitar, Bass, Drums,そしてPiano。実力は至ってませんがコンボみたいな感じです。初舞台で11曲はmore than enoughです。。。笑

初めはコードも分からない所からだったので憂鬱で無理!やめよう!と思った。が、メンバーからもお世辞?でも優しい言葉をかけてもらい、ピアノのレッスンも行ったりして、少しずつ勉強。師匠のピアノが大好きなので、毎回レッスン録音、アイデア頂いたりコピーしてみたりして、、、一番の難解なソロは、普通はFeelingで弾くものだけど、今回は無理なので作って練習。毎日練習して、ドラムより熱が入ってる感じ?笑  そのおかげか、2月よりはだいぶマシになったと思う。やるしかないので、できるとこまで頑張ろ☆